Books of the Initiate's Library

The Yoga of the Seven Mudras: Introducing the Mudrashram® System
of Integral Meditation, volume one – The Fundamentals of Meditation

(ISBN 978-0-9789-2791-2)


This book was designed to augment the introductory meditation teachings presented in the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation. It explains the meaning of the different initiatory mudras of this tradition and goes into greater depth about each of the topics presented in the Master Course. This book is a must read for those who wish to understand the teachings they received in this class.

It is also highly recommended for those who have taken the Accelerated Meditation Program, so they can understand the attunements that transmit the energies of transformation and illumination that are an essential part of the Master Course.

The back cover of this book says:

"In The Yoga of the Seven Mudras, volume one, Swami Prem Dayal reveals the source teachings from which the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the Accelerated Meditation Program have been derived. This volume is an essential addition to any serious student of Integral meditation, as it lays out the foundations of sadhana in a clear and comprehensive manner."

"This text adds much new expository material to the fundamental guidance and instructions given in the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation and the Accelerated Meditation Program. It includes many new illustrations not available in either course, plus additional meditation techniques. It is especially valuable to students of the Accelerated Meditation Program, as it shows the mudras by which the Light is ministered during initiatory sittings."

Cover Picture Table of Contents

The retail cost of this book is $49.95. Members pay $30.00.


The Yoga of the Seven Mudras: Introducing the Mudrashram® System
of Integral Meditation, volume two – The Advanced Practice of Meditation

(ISBN 978-0-9819-4561-3)

This book presents the original teachings from which the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation was derived. This book is a must read for those who wish to understand the teachings they received in this class in greater depth, plus it includes several additional articles not included in the original text that shed greater light on the course materials.

This is the first volume of our Initiate's Library level two, and this book is only available for those who have completed the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

The back cover of this book says:

"In The Yoga of the Seven Mudras, volume two, Swami Prem Dayal reveals the source teachings from which the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation has been derived. This volume is an essential addition to the library of any student who has completed the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in meditation, as it reveals the advanced practices of integral Meditation, by which the meditation student is able to access the higher octaves of being."

"This text was the original material revealed to George A. Boyd in 1987, when this course was designed, and taught for the first time. We have added much new expository material to the addendum in this volume, which expands the original insights by providing new articles that elucidate the core teachings."

Cover Picture Table of Contents

The retail cost of this book is $34.95. Members pay $30.00.


The Mudrashram® Home Study Workbook – A Compendium of Techniques Drawn from
Jnana Yoga and Agni Yoga to Deepen Your Experience and Ignite Your Higher Mind

(ISBN 978-0-9819-4568-2)

This book presents materials for those who are actively enrolled in either the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program, or who have completed either program to help them use these materials to work on themselves, and to develop a personal and spiritual journal.

The back cover of this book says:

"The Mudrashram® Home Study Workbook is designed for those who are actively enrolled in, or who have completed the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated meditation program. It will enable you to enhance your ability to gain insights from your Higher Mind, and to resolve your personal issues."

"Included with the workbook are templates that you can use to go much deeper into the techqnies that you learned in the course. The Home Study Workbook preovides you with a comprehensive personal program for penetrating insight, ever-deepening revelation of your Soul's truths, and a catalyst for your personal transformation."

This workbook contains new information about developing a personal journal and a spiritual journal, and exploring your dreams and revelations. The workbook includes a compact disk, which contains form templates, plus other bonus material."

Cover Picture Table of Contents

The retail cost of this book is $19.95. Members pay 18.00.



Questions and Answers with Swami

(ISBN 978-0-9819-4562-0)

This book is the first volume of the Discourses of Swami Charan Das Paramahansa, which we received in the early 1990s. The book provides penetrating and in depth answers to many seeker questions. This book is a must read for those who wish to more deeply understand the teachings they received in the basic class.

This is the second volume of our Initiate's Library level one, and this book is only available for those who have completed the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program.

The back cover of this book says:

"Questions and Answers with Swami is the first volume of the inspired discourses, or satsang, and in-depth teachings of Swami Charan Das Paramahansa, as received by George A. Boyd during the time when Swami gave his initial teachings to the world in 1993 and 1994."

"Swami Charan Das was the second of the Mudrashram® teachers to externalize, to reveal his teachings to the world, and to provide active meditation training and guidance to aspirants and disciples."

Cover Picture Table of Contents

The retail cost of this book is $34.95. Members pay $30.00.



Light on Meditation

(ISBN 978-0-9819-4563-7)

"Light on Meditation is the second volume of the inspired discourses, or satsang, in this series. It presents the in-depth teachings of Swami Charan Das Paramahansa, as received by George A. Boyd during the time when Swami gave his initial teachings to the world in 1993 to 1994."

"Swami Charan Das was the secnd of the Mudrashram® teachers to externalize, to reveal his teachings to the world, and to provide active meditation training and guidance to aspirants and disciples."

This book is the third volume in the Initiate's Library level one series, which is only for completers of the Mudrashram® Master Course in Meditation or the Accelerated Meditation Program.

Cover Picture Table of Contents

The retail cost of this book is $34.95. Members pay $30.00.



Discoveries on the Path

(ISBN 978-0-9819-4564-4)

"Discoveries on the Path is the third volume of the inspired discourses, or satsang, in this series. It presents the in-depth teachings of Swami Charan Das Paramahansa, as received by George A. Boyd during the time when Swami gave his initial teachings to the world in 1993 to 1994."

"Swami Charan Das was the second of the Mudrashram® teachers to externalize, to reveal his teachings to the world, and to provide active meditation training and guidance to aspirants and disciples."

This book is the second volume in the Initiate's Library level two series, which is only for completers of the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

Cover Picture Table of Contents

The retail cost of this book is $29.95. Members pay $25.00.



Your Life Never Ends

(ISBN 978-0-9819-4565-1)

"Your Life Never Ends is a unique volume of inspired discourses, or satsang, drawn from the root teacher of the lineage, Adi Sat Guru T. This is the original source book from which the Mudrashram® teachings of the Great Continuum of Consciousness, and the description of the great states of spiritual Mastery were derived."

"George A. Boyd received these teachings between 1975 to 1979. They give a rare glimpse into the origins of Mudrashram®."

"Adi Sat Guru T trained George A. Boyd from 1975 to 1979 to ready him to become the Mudrashram® lineage holder. George was empowered to teach and initiate for the lineage in 1983. Adi Sat Guru T was George's original guide."

This book is the third volume in the Initiate's Library level two series, which is only for completers of the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

Cover Picture Table of Contents

The retail cost of this book is $29.95. Members pay $25.00.



The Winds of Adi Sat Guru Desh

(ISBN 978-0-9819-4569-9)

"The Winds of Adi Sat Guru Desh is our unique volume of inspired discourses, or satsang, of Adi Sat Guru Prabhu Maharaj. These teachings were channeled through George A. Boyd, MA from 2000 to 2012."

"Swami Prabhu Maharaj was the third of the Mudrashram® teachers to externalize, to reveal his teachings to the world, and provide active meditation training and guidance to aspirants and disciples. This volume gives unprecendented information on Multiplane Mastery."

"Swami Prabhu Maharaj's teachings have been collected in this volume, which selects from his inspirations from over a decade of material. This volume provides new perspectives on the Mudrashram® system of Integral meditation."

This book is the fourth volume in the Initiate's Library level two series, which is only for completers of the Mudrashram® Advanced Course in Meditation.

Cover Picture Table of Contents

The retail cost of this book is $34.95. Members pay $30.00.




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